This 5-valve receiver was first manufactured by HMV in 1953. The radio’s wooden cabinet is covered in a rich dark Walnut veneer. The loudspeaker is mounted on a baffle and hidden behind the glass slatted tuning dials.
This radio was able to switch between 2 short wave bands as well as the medium and long wave broadcast bands. An unusual and interesting feature was the fact that it was able to tune the Maritime Trawler band a frequency shared by radio amateurs and various navigational beacons. In the evenings during the 1950’s and 60’s this band would come alive. With a good aerial and earth connected and careful tuning it was possible to hear local radio amateurs chatting away to each other and fisherman some with strong foreign accents discussing their catches and sea conditions. Today due to technical advances in communication equipment most of these transmissions have now moved to allocated channels within the VHF/UHF spectrum.